Characteristic 2 of 12: Provide instruction in soft skills (e.g., problem solving, communicating with authority figures, responding to feedback, promptness) and occupational specific skills (e.g., clerical, machine operation).
Characteristic 3 of 12: Provide transportation training, including the use of public transportation and job-site and community safety.
Characteristic 4 of 12: Conduct job performance evaluations by student, school staff, and employer.
Characteristic 5 of 12: Provide instruction in obtaining (e.g., resume development) and maintaining a job.
Characteristic 6 of 12: Develop a process for community-based employment options in integrated settings with a majority of co-workers without disabilities.
Characteristic 7 of 12: Conduct situational vocational assessments to determine appropriate job matches.
Characteristic 8 of 12: Develop a process to enable students to earn high school credit for paid employment work experience.
Characteristic 9 of 12: Link eligible students to appropriate adult services (e.g. Vocational Rehabilitation, Developmental Disabilities Services) services prior to exiting school that will support student in work or further education.
Characteristic 10 of 12: Involve appropriate adult services (e.g., Vocational Rehabilitation or job coach when needed) in the provision of community-based work experiences.
Characteristic 11 of 12: Use age-appropriate assessments to ensure jobs are based on students’ strengths, preferences, interest, and needs.
Characteristic 12 of 12: Ensure employment training placements offer opportunities for (1) working 30+ hours/week, (2) making minimum wage or higher, with benefits, and (3) utilizing individualized supports and reasonable accommodations.