Teacher / Counselor Helpful Tools
Transition goals and services must be in place no later than when the student reaches age 16, as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA 2004). In Arkansas, these are the postsecondary required transition IEP forms. Click here for the versión en español or here for the Marshallese version.
Post-secondary goals in the transition plan MUST be measurable and based on transition assessments that are provided at least annually!
Click here to view the Complete Guide to Transition Planning and Services - this book will support you in embracing and navigating your challenging role in supporting all students to succeed, achieve, and realize a successful future.
Not sure what all the agencies in your area can do for your students? Give them a call and ask them questions! Invite them to speak to your class and share these tips for topics with them or hold a Transition Fair!
Click on a topic below for more information!
At this time twenty predictors of positive post-school outcomes have been identified by researchers. If students and their families, teachers, members of individualized educational program (IEP) teams, and agencies in our communities are aware of these, we can work together to include them in the planning and work we do with students to better support their goals.
The PISA can help you determine what's going well and what's missing from your school's transition program. PISA is a great place to start improving your transition program. Contact your Transition Consultant for more information!
General Transition Information
Transition Considerations Timeline - use this short list of general considerations to help students plan for their future!
DID YOU KNOW...Rock Region Metro offers a 50% discount to students under 18 and a 50% discount to anyone on Medicare or Social Security Disability? That means a student could get a 31 day pass for $18 or a 10 ride pass for just $5.75! Call CAT for more information: 501-375-6717.
18 & Life to Go - a legal handbook for young Arkansans covering topics like marriage & family, insurance, lease agreements, owning a car, personal injuries, employment, medical & privacy rights, and more!
NTACT: the Collaborative is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Office of Special Education Programs and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (H326E20003) to improve the implementation of effective practices including pre-employment transition services, dropout prevention interventions, engagement in career and technical education, interagency collaboration, and other education and VR transition services for all students and youth with disabilities. Visit their site www.transitionta.org for resources and guidance on transition planning, graduation, post-school success, data analysis and use, and effective practices and predictors of post-school success.
Transition Training Resources: Test Prep Review
Your source for FREE online practice tests.
Transition Assessments
Transition assessments are required annually to develop and update transition plans. There are many assessments available and we hope you will take time to research and review what is out there. It’s important to choose assessments that are appropriate for your student and that will provide the information the team needs to establish meaningful goals the student can work toward achieving! Remember that assessments should be provided on-going and can be formal or informal. Assessments can take different forms (questionnaires, documented observations, etc.), but whatever form, make sure the results are accessible and that you have documented the assessment in the transition assessment section in the secondary transition IEP. So, take a look at this list and then explore some of the tools on the Tools for Assessing page that can assist you in the transition assessment process.
Transition Activities Mapping Tool (Updated June 2022)
Each goal within a student’s transition plan must include activities they will work on to help them reach their goal. Click here to find samples of activities that could help promote movement toward some of your student’s goals.
Teacher Tips
This tool provides some great tips that teachers around the country have used with great success! There is bound to be one that you can use to help your students succeed!”
Disability Info
This is a comprehensive website for all disability-related federal resources.
Transition TN
This website offers online training and resources for educators, providers and students on preparing students with disabilities for life after high school. Simply set up a basic account to access tools like assessment and curriculum databases, instructional guides for Pre-ETS, access to live and recorded webcasts, practical tip sheets for families, interactive lessons for students, role-play scenarios providing decision-making experiences, coursework that can be added to a student's transition portfolio and more!
Indicators are calculated measures used to assess the performance of special education programs. Basically, it’s a way to measure how well we are educating students in special education. There are four that relate to transition more than the other indicators.
Indicator 1
Graduation rate: Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma.
Indicator 2
Dropout rates: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school.
Indicator 13
Post School Transition Goals in IEP: Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority.
If you would like a helpful tool that can help you meet compliance with this indicator check out the Indicator 13 Checklist. Review the questions and if you can answer yes to all parts of the eight questions, you will have a compliant plan!
From Assessment to Practice: A Model for Teachers - If you want to build quality transition plans, the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) identified instructional practices and predictors for improved post-school success based on the best available evidence. The model was developed to provide teachers with a process for incorporating these effective practices into the transition planning process; from transition assessment to classroom instruction.
Indicator 13 Cross-Reference Tool - Click on each Indicator 13 Checklist question to see how they correspond with transition plan components. We've updated the order of the questions to better fit our paperwork!
Quality Rubric - This rubric, when completed by a special educator or IEP team member, will help you know if your transition plan meets the requirements of IDEA through implementation of the I-13 checklist, but also will help you understand the quality of the transition plan.
Indicator 14
Post-School Outcomes: Percent of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were:
A. Enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school.
B. Enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school.
C. Enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school.
Post school outcome surveys are conducted in different districts each year, one year after a student has graduated high school. Post school outcomes surveys are conducted in different districts each year, one year after a student has graduated high school. Click here to view the Arkansas' Indicator 14 Sampling Plan for 2026-2031.
Go to our Post-School Outcomes Flyer for information you can give to parents and students about the importance of completing that survey!
Collecting Post-School Outcomes Data
An important part of improving outcomes for students with disabilities is collecting information after they have left high school to see what services have been used and how programs in high school may have helped them be successful. If you have a student who has recently left high school or will soon, please read more on Post School Outcomes Data Collection. We need your participation when it’s time to collect the data.
Virtual IEP Meeting Tip Sheets
Sample Virtual IEP Meeting Agenda
Notice of Conference
Remember, to show you invited the student in Arkansas, you must address a separate notice of conference to the student! IDEA mandates that students are invited to IEP meetings where transition is discussed. Why not take it a step further and work with the student to participate in the meeting as well?!
Summary of Performance - SOP en español
Summary of Performance Fillable Template
Summary of Performance Packet
Sample Letter to Accompany SOP
Permission for Consent to Invite Agencies
You must have this signed by the appropriate party before inviting an agency to the IEP meeting!
Organizer for Student Assessment Results - Electronic Fillable PDF
Organizer for Transition Components of the PLAAFP - Electronic Fillable PDF
Special Education Process Guide - This document can be used as a guide through particular contexts in the special education process. Each context provides a list of forms, an overview of the process, and a walk-through of the forms used. Resources are provided where appropriate. (Secondary Transition begins on page 96.)
My IEP Owner’s Manual for Transition-age Students – this is a great tool to help keep your students be more involved in the transition process and in IEP meetings. Help your students have a better understanding and be more motivated to participate in a seamless transition.
Service Learning Activities - Find suggested transition activities for the 75 required Service-Learning hours. Ninth graders should have 15 hours of documented community service learning to be on track to meet graduation requirements. There are no automatic exemptions for this requirement. Students on the Alternate Pathway to Graduation must meet this requirement.
IDEA requires the consideration for technology needs for students with disabilities. These could be services or devices that are defined in IDEA. When students are planning to transition into the adult world it is critical that they are aware of available technology that they can use to support them in the post-secondary environment. IEP teams (including students and families) can greatly benefit from the tools provided below:
Student Self Evaluation Matrix - The self-evaluation matrix is intended to measure and improve assistive technology transfer to higher education settings.
Transition Skills Checklist - use this assessment to determine what skills your students demonstrate and what skills they need to acquire.
Assistive Technology Assessment Process Planner - use this process planner when classroom strategies and tools do not meet the student’s needs.
Assistive Technology Implementation Plan - use this template to develop a plan to implement assistive technology with your students.
Family Information Guide to Assistive Technology and Transition Planning - this guide will provide you with information on transition, how to ensure your students' assistive technology needs are supported in the transition from high school to adult life, and information on laws related to transition and accommodations. There are many tools and valuable resources within this guide to help include consideration of assistive technology in the transition process.
Mobile Apps to Support Transition-Age Youth - many free and low-cost apps are available to support transition-age youth with disabilities as they embark on their journey towards post-secondary education, job training, employment and independent living. This list includes apps that have been reviewed by parents and professionals and found to be useful and well-designed.
Skills to Pay the Bills - Soft skills cannot be taught in a vacuum, nor can they be acquired simply because the goal of a lesson plan indicates it shall be so. This tool has been designed with youth service professionals in mind - specifically those working with in-school and out-of-school youth, ages 14-21, on career and workforce readiness skills. The basic foundation for the structure of these activities includes convenience, cost-effectiveness, and creativity. They were designed in such a way as to be easily incorporated into current programming and/or already established curricula.
Job Shadowing Guide - Shadowing can provide experiences that are as unique as every person who participates. For the student who has never understood the point of school, a shadowing experience can show how education can be translated into rewarding and financially secure future. For the teacher looking for new ways to motivate students, it can provide a fun and unusually hands-on experience that demonstrates the link between schoolwork and real life, answering the question, “Why do I have to learn this?” For those in the work place, being a host site can help forge personally satisfying connections with young people that could ultimately contribute to building a more prepared and focused workforce of tomorrow.
JAN Multimedia Training Microsite - The JAN Multimedia Training Microsite provides training resources for JAN's users. These materials may be used in group training or by individuals. They may easily be incorporated into larger training events. Some resources are for general audiences, some are quite specific. Also incorporate archived JAN webcasts to your training curriculum.
Arkansas Career Fields, Clusters and Pathways Chart
Arkansas Career Clusters Descriptions
Real Life Arkansas - Do your students need help determining how much money they will need to earn in the future? No problem! This site can help them select the right career for their spending needs.
Career One Stop's Video Collection - Visit this website to learn about careers, industries, skills and abilities, or work options and education levels.
The Parent Inventory - Send this quick and easy form to parents to get important information regarding their perspective on their child's employability skills.
Career Conversation Starters - This provides a guide for working with students, parents and community members to address the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student.
Sample Job Application - Use this sample job application to practice memorizing personal information, work history and references.
Online Job Application - This online application can be used to practice job readiness skills during remote learning.
Resume Builder - Choose from a variety of templates to build your own resume.
Printable version of the most current Arkansas Driver's License Study Guide • versión en español
Arkansas State Police Driver Testing 1-2-3 Checklist (UNDER the age of 18)
Arkansas State Police Driver Testing 1-2-3 Checklist (OVER the age of 18)
ASP Driver Skills Test Checklist (all ages)
Online quizzes and flash cards
Printable flash cards for driver's test prep
Official Arkansas Driver License Practice Test - The practice test generates 25 questions randomly chosen from a larger group of questions extracted from the Arkansas State Police driver license knowledge test and questions from the Arkansas State Police Driver License Study Guide. You can repeat the practice test as often as you want. Each new test will generate another set of 25 questions.
Arkansas Driver Practice Test App (for iOS) (for Android) - This app generates 25 questions extracted from the Arkansas State Police driver license knowledge test and questions from the Arkansas State Police Driver License Study Guide. It is a great resource for life-long learning and can be used to help you prepare for the knowledge test that all new drivers must pass to obtain a learner's permit. *This app is NOT a substitute for the Driver's License Study Guide.*
Transition Fairs are an important part of teachers, parents and students learning about agencies and programs within agencies that can help them reach their goals after high school. The tools below can help you plan a Transition Fair and prepare your students for ACTIVE participation in the Fair. This is a great project for a transition team to work on. Involve your students as much as possible in the planning and preparation activities! Always contact your Transition Consultant for other ideas and help!
Strategies to Increase Attendance at your Transition Fair
Planning Tool for Determining Content
Tools for Teachers before and during the Transition Fair
(these are sample tools you can modify and use for your Transition Fair)
Sample Invitations and Flyers for Transition Fairs
Preparing Students
Student Responsibilities
Student Script
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions
Transition Fair Worksheet
Speaker Notes for Transition Fair
Goal Setting Activity
Student Survey
Self-determination can be defined as "acting as the primary causal agent in one's life and making choices and decisions regarding one's quality of life free from undue external influence or interference." (Michael Wehmeyer, 2001) Self-determination skills include being able to make choices and decisions and to set goals, but we have to give these opportunities for our students to work on these skills. Encourage your students to set goals and to attend their IEP meetings--make sure they have a role at the IEP meeting. Self Determination is a critical piece to successful transition for all students. Below are some great tools and curriculum to help improve your students’ skills, but remember, it’s important to first assess those skills! Check out the Self-Determination assessments we have on our Assessing Tools page.
Informational Brochures for Parents, Students and Teachers on Self-Determination
What is Self-Determination?
What are my rights as a student with a disability?
Suggestions for your participation in the IEP process
Student's Guide to IEP - a guide to help students prepare for their IEP
AIR Self-Determination Rating Scale
User Guide
Parent Español - Marshallese
Student Español
Goal Setting Worksheet for Students
Links to FREE Self-Determination Curriculum
411 on Disability Disclosure Workbook for Youth with Disabilities
Zarrow Center Self-Determination Curriculum
Choicemaker, ME!, Student-Directed Transition Planning, TAGG, Transition Bell Ringers and more!
Helping Students Develop their IEP
Transition Toolkit: Enhancing Self Determination for Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind
This Transition Toolkit is a free repository of information, tools, resources, and information about a suggested model for hosting a workshop for deaf-blind teens ages 14-22 and their families.
2BSD: To Be Self-Determined
2BSD is about creating more self-determined lives. On this website, you’ll find information about all things self-determined: what it is, why it’s important, and how to promote it.
Self-Determination for Elementary / Middle School Students
Self- Advocacy Skills and Self-Determination in Personalized Learning - considerations for how you can be engaged in supporting your development of self-advocacy skills, like participating in school meetings and advocating for instruction that helps students develop self-advocacy skills and self-determination.
Field Hoffman Self-Determination Assessment Battery (★)
Observation Checklist Student Scale Parent Perception Scale Teacher Perception Scale Scoring Key
uses five instruments to measure cognitive, behavioral, and affective traits to determine levels of self-determination.
Self-Determination Checklist Student Assessment - Use this 19 item checklist for students to evaluate their self-determination skills.
www.imdetermined.org - Whether you're a teacher, parent, friend, OT, or just someone who loves a young person with a disability, your support is vital. I'm Determined knows that everyone is at different points of their journey to self-determination. Find tools to support the one you love in the best way for both of you.
Tools for Education
Getting Help for the Transition to College
Some students with disabilities may not be totally aware of the support services available at the college level. To provide more information of how to go about getting more information when considering post-secondary education options, the Disability Services Office at NC State University created a video DVD to help ease students’ minds and to give them helpful tips and advice. The video shows a current college student receiving supports and offering help to a current high school student who isn’t so sure he can make it at college. Educators, share this video with your students and parents! It can be a great conversation starter that leads to getting the supports students need at the post-secondary level!
Going to College
This site has lots of information about going to college and being successful with a disability. A section of the site is for students interested in going to college. It has videos and other tools that can get students on the right track in planning for college. There are three modules that students, parents and educators can participate in. The site also has a "Teacher Toolbox" that provides activities for teachers to use as they help guide students in the planning process. And finally, it has a Portfolio section to help students really get the important pieces organized so they are ready to be successful in college!
College Navigator
This is the Department of Education's website for information about colleges and universities.
Testing Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities from the U.S. Department of Justice
This provides information on the obligation of testing entities, both private and public, to ensure that the test scores of individuals with disabilities accurately reflect the individual's aptitude, achievement, or the skill that the exam purports to measure, rather than his or her disability. The document discusses who is entitled to testing accommodations, what types of testing accommodations must be provided, and what documentation may be required of the person requesting testing accommodations.
Arkansas Next
Find out more about how you can make life after high school more exciting for you. This is a publication distributed to schools, but you can find the information right here at this site! Learn more about apprenticeships, colleges in Arkansas, financial aid, dorm life and the hottest jobs in Arkansas! You can also read stories from actual students in Arkansas and how they are making the right decisions for the life they want to have after high school.
ACT Test Preparation
Students' coursework already prepares them to take the ACT—but additional practice can help them be ready to do their best. ACT Online Prep provides additional practice wherever and whenever they want it.
ACCUPLACER Preparation
Free practice tools and resources to help you prepare to succeed on each of the ACCUPLACER tests
Arkansas Future Grant
Arkansas Future (ArFuture) is the newest state grant program. The purpose of this grant is to increase education and skills of Arkansas's workforce in an affordable manner. The grant applies to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) or regional high demand areas of study. The grant will cover tuition and fees for qualifying certificate and Associate degree programs at Arkansas's public institution for eligible students. The grant is available on a first come, first served basis.
Arkansas Disability Resource Professionals Contact List
View this list of Arkansas colleges' disability support services contacts.
Tools for Training
Arkansas Apprenticeship
Visit this website to view a list of Arkansas' apprenticeship schools and find out how to become an apprentice. View this list of Arkansas colleges' disability support services contacts.
Health Care Transition Guide for Teens in Middle School - This is a handbook for younger teens, written for middle school students with medical and/or developmental needs.
Now That You're In High School - This is a handbook for older teens. It covers many transition topics important to teens.
Finding Adult Providers - It is important to find your adult doctors early - around age 18 to 21.
Being a Healthy Adult - This is a resource for the youth and their family. This adds role-playing activities and checklists to help families find their transition strengths.
Vital Records Log - Arkansas Guide to services for children with disabilities
Online Medical Notebook Template - Use this care organizer to store your child's information.
Got Transition Medical Summary and Emergency Care Plan - This is a printable summary including daily care information and information needed in an emergency.
Emergency Information Form for Children with Special Needs - A quick reference guide regarding emergency preparedness for individuals with special healthcare needs.
Health Passport - This booklet that can be carried with you when attending hospitals or other providers of health and disability services contains information about how you want people to communicate with you and support you.
My Med Schedule - Use MyMedSchedule to manage meds and labs on the go, set reminders, and make it easier to communicate with their healthcare providers.
The Wallet Card App - The Wallet Card is a free tool for teenagers and adults who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is designed to help them communicate clearly with law enforcement or first responders.
Medicaid Transportation Brokers - This map shows the Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) Program transportation brokers that can give you a ride to and from your doctor appointments or other covered Medicaid services. Visit their website for details on if you qualify and how to schedule a ride.
Smart 9-1-1 - When you dial 9-1-1 from a mobile phone, the 9-1-1 call takers have very little information to help you. Users of this service provide vital information to call takers, including information regarding your household members, address and location, vehicle(s), emergency contacts and communication preferences.
Transitioning from Independence: How Ready are You? - Young people can take care of their own health conditions or disabilities in a variety of ways. This FREE assessment from Shriners Hospital will help you build the skills you need to make a successful transition to adult care and independent living.
Families Healthcare Transition Infographic - This tool can help students and families learn more about moving from pediatric to adult healthcare.
Independent Living Lesson Plans
Baking a Microwave Cake
Self Determination Lesson Plans
Locus of Control - an opportunity for students to understand what it means to take responsibility for their own actions
Career Exploration Lesson Plans
No One Does It Alone - this activity is designed to help young people learn research and make informed decisions regarding their futures
Guidance and Career Counselor's Toolkit
High school counselors are important allies and advocates of students with disabilities who are planning for these transitions. This handbook is a compilation of information and resources in response to counselors’ thoughts and concerns about the challenges of working with students with disabilities.
ADHE Financial Aid
Search through the Arkansas Department of Higher Education's available scholarships.
Search College 4 U!
Independent college counseling for high school students
You Got This: Educational Pathways for Youth Transitioning from Juvenile Justice Facilities
The “You Got This: Educational Pathways for Youth Transitioning from Juvenile Justice Facilities” packet for empowering justice-impacted youth with the information, tips and resources they need to plan for their future after leaving a facility. The packet provides checklists, guidance, lists of resources, and templates of commonly required documents to help students prepare for a successful re-entry.
Education in Juvenile Justice Facilities
This Guidance Package was developed by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and identifies promising practices for improving education programs in juvenile justice facilities. It also includes Dear Colleague letters regarding IDEA for students with disabilities in correctional facilities, Civil Rights for students in residential juvenile justice facilities and access to Pell Grants for students in juvenile justice facilities.
Transition Toolkit: Meeting the Educational Needs of Youth Exposed to the Juvenile Justice System
The second edition of the Transition Toolkit is a compilation of existing practices, strategies, and available resources on transition that build on field experience and research. The Toolkit offers practical information that enables State and local administrators and service providers to provide high-quality transition services for youth moving into, through, and out of education programs within the juvenile justice system.
Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Justice System
This InfoBrief describes the characteristics of and issues faced by youth involved with the juvenile justice system, including those with disabilities. It provides a framework for youth service professionals to help these youth avoid or transition out of the juvenile justice system, promotes cross-systems collaboration, and highlights promising practices currently being implemented around the country.
Guardian Fact Sheet - Español - Marshallese
Tips for Guardianship and Alternatives - an overview of guardianship and various alternatives and how individuals with ASD and their family members can begin to navigate this process.
National Guardianship Association's Standards of Practice - Click here to review the Ethical Standards reflected within the NGA's Standards of Practice.
Your Money, Your Goals - a set of financial empowerment materials for organizations that help people meet their financial goals by increasing their knowledge, skills, and resources.
Mapping Your Future - A public service, nonprofit organization that provides programs and initiatives to help people achieve financial wellness and lead successful lives.
Federal Student Aid - Whether you’re a student or parent, years away from college or just about to start, these checklists will help you get ready.
Financial Planning for Special Needs Families - tips and strategies for financial planning for families with children who have special needs
Economics Arkansas - offers plenty of excellent resources for your classroom, grades PreK-12. There are many classroom resources for downloading free of charge; the Stock Market Game, annual awards and financial support (grants). They nurture partnerships with many other organizations to expand and improve the high quality of their trainings, programs and resources.
Financial Literacy Quiz (First Financial Credit Union) - This quiz will help you determine what you know and what you don’t know about personal finance so you can take important steps toward improving your financial future.
Practical Money Skills Lessons - These important financial lessons are for special needs students. Educators can customize lesson plans to best fit their students' needs and learning styles.
The City University of New York (CUNY) Financial Literacy Quiz - Financial literacy is the ability of individuals to make appropriate decisions in managing personal finances. Take this quiz to build your financial skills!
Appy Hour - a list of apps to help young adults with disabilities learn about and manage their money
Arkansas A.B.L.E. - a program that allows tax-advantaged investment accounts that help qualified individuals with disabilities and their families save for disability-related expenses.
Promoting Quality Individualized Learning Plans Throughout the Lifespan
Family & Community Engagement Framework & Toolkit – Each family’s needs are different and each community has a variety of characteristics and barriers. This Framework is designed to acknowledge these differences and encourage more families, educators, and community members to become engaged in the education and development of children. The Toolkit contains a vast variety of resources for framework essentials that correlates to the role of the stakeholder.
Apps to Support Students - This LiveBinder is a collection of great applications you can use in your classroom.
Inclusive Practices - This has information pertaining to inclusive practices provided by the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Special Education Unit.
UDL Guidelines - The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. The UDL Guidelines can be used by educators, curriculum developers, researchers, parents, and anyone else who wants to implement the UDL framework in a learning environment. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.
Ways to Meet the Needs of Students - Check out this page for a video that presents different scenarios on how, when and how to count special education minutes in different settings. You can also learn about different Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies.
7 Ways to Introduce UDL into your Classroom - If you don't know how to start with UDL, check out this page!
You Visit Virtual College Tours
It's time to apply for college, but you don't know where to start. Perhaps you live far away from prospective colleges, or your family doesn't have enough money for you to look at every school you're interested in. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a way you could magically look at schools from home? This is a real possibility, and YouVisit works their own magic by bringing college campus tours right to the convenience of your computer screen. Click on a school below to view the virtual tour!
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Arkansas Technical University
Harding University
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Arkansas's Makerspace - UCA's Makerspace, powered by the Conductor, is a collaborative, interdisciplinary work space with tools to prototype concepts, make new things, and take ideas to the next level.
Virtual Field Trips
15 Famous Museums with Virtual Tours - Experience the best museums from London to Seoul in the comfort of your own home!
Over 30 Virtual Field Trips with Links including the San Diego Zoo, Yellowstone National Park, U.S. Space and Rocket Museum, Mars, the Great Wall of China, Boston Children's Museum and more!
NASA at Home - NASA is exploring our solar system and beyond, uncovering worlds, stars and cosmic mysteries near and far with our powerful fleet of space and ground-based missions. Explore our facilities. View our laboratories. Tour the Moon. Enter a clean room. Experience the James Webb Space Telescope – the most powerful space telescope ever built – and more! We invite you to tour NASA virtually from the comfort of your home or convenience of your mobile device. Virtual tour experiences range from actual video tours, or 360° virtual tours, inside our laboratories and facilities to curated photo galleries of images and video playlists.
Virtual Experiences in Arkansas - You can still visit some of your favorite Arkansas attractions via virtual efforts across the state to keep the community connected to the many places that make Arkansas unique. Many attractions are keeping their experiences open to the public through creative virtual efforts that range from interactive tours to virtual safaris to ballet performances.
The Ultimate List of Virtual Experiences in Arkansas - Museums, educational centers, and downtown networks across the state are establishing virtual experiences through mobile devices, apps, and videos.
- How to Start a Load of Laundry
- How to Check Your Car Tire Air Pressure
- How to Cook "Pizza in a Mug"
- How to Set a Medication Alert on iPhone
- Taking Out the Trash
- How to Enter a New Contact on iPhone
- How to Download a Transition Assessment on the ATS Website
- How to Open a Google Doc
- How to Download & Save a Fillable Form
- Asking for Directions
- How to Use a Combination Lock
If you would like to request a specific task for video modeling or you are interested in video modeling training, please email jennifer.bibel@ade.arkansas.gov.
Check out how indicators within Vocational Rehabilitation, State Education agencies, and Career and Technical Education programs align in this cross-walk of WIOA, IDEA, and Perkins V. If we know how the indicators align, we are able to better support students and work together towards successful outcomes.