Characteristic 2 of 13: Develop and implement formal and informal agreements between agencies responsible for the delivery of transition services.
Characteristic 3 of 13: Develop an agreed upon vision and mission of transition services and programs.
Characteristic 4 of 13: Develop an organizational structure that includes a process for identifying membership (e.g., criteria for membership), terms of services, procedures for replacing members, orientation for new members, and web-based and print membership directories.
Characteristic 5 of 13: Coordinate the development of policies and procedures for service delivery and sharing of resources by both school and community agencies.
Characteristic 6 of 13: Implement a state-wide plan that (1) addresses gaps, (2) includes strategies for blending and braiding funding of other resources, (3) streamlines the transition process, and (4) eradicates duplication of service delivery.
Characteristic 7 of 13: Conduct asset/resource mapping to identify all community agencies that support youth with disabilities in the area as well as gaps in service delivery.
Characteristic 8 of 13: Clearly define roles and responsibilities of each organization as part of the interagency agreement.
Characteristic 9 of 13: Schedule regular times for planning, developing, and measuring the progress and effectiveness of implementing a shared transition service delivery system at all levels (e.g., individual student, school, local, region, state, and nation).
Characteristic 10 of 13: Develop procedures for shared problem-solving to address needs of students with disabilities and the barriers they may face during transition process.
Characteristic 11 of 13: Develop procedures for school staff to have a systematic way to include students, families, community members, and agencies at different levels of the transition process (e.g., when to invite to IEP meetings, when to refer families to meet with agency, when to provide information sheet to family).
Characteristic 12 of 13: Establish multiple methods of communication and information sharing across agencies.
Characteristic 13 of 13: Provide cross-discipline professional development opportunities for all members of interagency council to ensure members are knowledgeable about services and eligibility criteria.