Predictor Implementation School/District Self-Assessment
Social Skills Predictor
Operational Definition: Social skills are behaviors and attitudes that facilitate communication and cooperation (e.g., social conventions, social problem-solving when engaged in a social interaction, body language, speaking, listening, responding, verbal and written communication).
Please select your district from the list.
Characteristic 1 of 10: Integrate social skills instruction across the curriculum (e.g., general education and community).Click here for more information on the Implementation Scale Ratings.
(see link above for more info)
Characteristic 2 of 10: Use a direct instruction curriculum to teach communication, interpersonal, conversational, negotiation, conflict, and group skills in context.
Characteristic 3 of 10: Provide opportunities for students to practice communication, interpersonal, conversational, negotiation, conflict, and group skills in context.
Characteristic 4 of 10: Assist students to use problem-solving skills when difficult interpersonal situations arise in context.
Characteristic 5 of 10: Provide parent and school staff information and training in supporting age-appropriate social skill development for their child, taking into consideration the family’s cultural standards.
Characteristic 6 of 10: Use augmentative communication (AC) and assistive technology (AT) devices to encourage communication for students who use AC/AT.
Characteristic 7 of 10: Use ecological assessments to identify the social skills students will be expected to perform in each context.
Characteristic 8 of 10: Provide opportunities for students to practice social skills that foster authentic social interactions that foster the development of friendships.
Characteristic 9 of 10: Teach students to self evaluate their use of social skills in the appropriate context.
Characteristic 10 of 10: Teach students the social expectations for various environments (e.g., church, school, work, recreation).